Using Garmin’s Daily Suggested Workout for running – Week 7

“Daily Suggested Workouts are workout recommendations made by your watch to provide a level of challenge to help you maintain or improve your current fitness level.”. This is the description of this feature from here

This is week 7 of what I will be doing from this test series.

This week looks harder than the one before. There is one long run with is way over my available time so I will see how I will squeeze this in.

I started the Peak phase on May 19; it will last until June 8: “The peak phase includes workouts to focus on speed and further increase the intensity of your training.”.

Here are the training stats details after 6 weeks of training. Info taken from Training Status on Garmin Connect page. Under ReportsAll activities.

Running VO₂ max: Increased to 53 during the week but it went back to 52 after Saturday’s long run that I did on the same trail route as my next race. After Monday´s workout it went back to 53.

“VO₂ Max is a good indication of your cardiovascular fitness and should increase as your level of fitness improves.”

“Exercise load measures how much oxygen your body consumes for recovery after an activity. The longer or more intense the activity, the higher the score.”

“Acute training load is a weighted sum of your recent exercise load scores. It’s rated low, optimal or high based on your fitness level and training history.”. The green tunnel seems to be heading up quite fast.

“HRV status provides a 7-day average of your overnight heart rate variability compared to your HRV baseline.”. I’m not quite sure yet on how to interpret this data; will need to look into this.

Week 7MonTueWedThuFriSatSun
PlannedBase 32:00 @5:55 /kmSprint 44:00 7×0.10@2:55 /kmTempo 50:00 3×8:00 @4:55 /kmRestBase 39:00 @5:55 /kmBase 41:00 @5:55 /kmBase 47:00 @5:55 /km
ActualBase 31:00 @5:55 /kmSprint 44:00 7×0.10@2:55 /kmTempo 50:00 3×8:00 @4:55 /kmRestBase 39:00 @5:55 /kmBase 40:00 @5:55 /kmBase 45:00 @5:55 /km
This week’s plan as seen on Monday afternoon (after the morning base run) and the actual workout seen from the watch on each specific day.


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