“Daily Suggested Workouts are workout recommendations made by your watch to provide a level of challenge to help you maintain or improve your current fitness level.”. This is the description of this feature from here https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=oYknGZ910l1pfBNzkDHX6A.
This is week 10 of what I will be doing from this test series. Also this is the final week of training before my first A race for this season – next Sunday, June 18. After this next week, I will keep using the daily suggested workouts, but will stop training daily. Meaning, I will switch to 3-4 times a week only. I feel I need some rest and also want to do something else, like going to the gym maybe, need to strengthen my core a little.
What I noticed in the last 2 weeks is that I’m feeling tired; I can’t seem to be able to keep up with the pace long enough. The interesting thing is that my HRV is unbalanced, which, according to the watch, “may indicate excessive fatigue”. Oh, great, my watch knows I’m tired but it still keeps suggesting high intensity workouts 🙂 Guess the AI behind it still needs some more improvements. Anyway…
As to the training phases, I’m in my Taper phase that’s suppose to last until June 17: “The tapper phase decreases training volume but maintains intensity to help you be fresh and recovered.”. Afterwar the primary race we start again with a long base phase, followed by build, peak and taper phases. These phases lead up to the race season in October, when I have 2 short races planned – 11 km trail race and 10 km road race. The 10km road race will be my primary race. I will try to improve my 10km PR – 48:21.
Here are the training stats details after 9 weeks of training. Info taken from Training Status on Garmin Connect page. Under Reports – All activities.

Running VO₂ max: 53. “VO₂ Max is a good indication of your cardiovascular fitness and should increase as your level of fitness improves.”

“Exercise load measures how much oxygen your body consumes for recovery after an activity. The longer or more intense the activity, the higher the score.”

“Acute training load is a weighted sum of your recent exercise load scores. It’s rated low, optimal or high based on your fitness level and training history.”. The green tunnel seems to be heading up steadily.

“HRV status provides a 7-day average of your overnight heart rate variability compared to your HRV baseline.”. Something happened during 2 days and it went to Unbalanced state but it managed to recover and get on track.

Week 10 | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Planned | VO2 Max 42:00 4×4:00@4:15 /km | Recovery 30:00 @6:35 /km | Base 46:00 @5:45 /km | Threshold 42:00 3×6:00@4:35 /km | Rest | Base 32:00 @5:45 /km | Race 13km |
Actual | VO2 Max 42:00 4×4:00@4:15 /km | Base 46:00 @5:50 /km | Recovery 30:00 @6:40/km but I rested | Threshold 42:00 3×6:00@4:40 /km | Rest |
Sunday: Well, my A race ended today. Overall, I felt ok. Maybe better in the 2nd half of the race. I felt tired the 1st half but that may be due to the high pace everyone was having and me trying to hold my horses for later.
When I started training I put myself the goal of finishing in 1h and 15 min. This morning Garmin said I can finish the race in 1:09:17 and I finished it in 1:13:56. So this time Garmin I was not able to meet Garmin’s expectations but I’m happy for doing it in the proposed time!

Next stop, 2 races in October. Will see if I will use Suggested Workouts feature or I will train with the athletics club from my city. To be decided, but nevertheless – I found this feature very good for self-training!
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